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"Vivien" is a 1931 Leyland Lioness Fire Engine and served at Wisbech from 1931-1963! Over the past 3 years it has been restored to it's former glory by George Dunlop and his faithful band of helpers. Because of the PALMER connection, George Dunlop brought Vivien to Wisbech as part of the PALMER Family Reunion on 9 October 2004. A Trust Fund has now been set up to help maintain "Vivien's" upkeep and running costs - which are considerable. Further information can be found here The Vivien Fire Engine Trust Photos © Roy PALMER, Jim AMOS, Philip PALMER & Ann McCLEAN - 2004 Gallery Index Home Page & Site Index Contact Details - if you think you have any information that will help me with my research and these webpagesAnd don't forget to sign my Guest Book before you leave! This page created 16 November 2004 & amended/updated 15:21 18/01/2018